Be sure to see a licensed vehicle mechanic to determine the extent of damage. Contact your automobile insurance company as you may have coverage for this type of loss.
Contractors working for the City will have a permit or a contract. In both cases, there is an indemnity and insurance clause that protects the City against claims arising from their operations.
The City of Brampton requires that all of their contractors carry insurance. Should the City receive a claim resulting from a contractor’s work, it will forward the claim to the contractor for handling. Please note that payment in respect of property damage or bodily injury is contingent upon the contractor being found legally liable. To assist in processing your claim, the City will identify the contractor as well as copy the contractor, quoting the contract number, in our response to you.
If the loss has occurred in a subdivision not yet assumed by the City, the developer is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the area. To assist in processing your claim, the City will identify the developer along with their contact information, and will copy the developer in our response to you.
To submit a claim, please follow the process outlined under
Claim Notification Process.