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Sustainable New Communities Program

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Sustainable ​New Communities Program (green development standards) encourages and evaluates the sustainability performance of new development. It is a critical tool to facilitate and accelerate the delivery of complete communities that address the global climate emergency, as well as long-term economic, environmental, and social benefits f​or Brampton.

The Sustainable New Communities Program is a point-based system in which development proposals earn points for achieving specific criteria (metrics) organized around the categories of Built Environment, Mobility, Natural Environment & Open Space, and Infrastructure & Buildings. Proposal are required to achieve a minimum score (within the Bronze threshold).

Launched in 2015, a comprehensive update to the Program was recently approved, and will apply to new planning applications submitted as of July 1, 2022.​​

The Sustainable New Communities Program ​is a collaboration​ between the Cities of Brampton, Markham, Richmond Hill, and Vaughan.​​​​​


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