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Extreme Cold Weather Tips

​​During an extreme cold weather alert, members of the public are encouraged to take the following safety precautions:

  • Check the weather report before going outside.
  • Dress in layers, making sure your outer layer is windproof, and cover exposed skin.
  • Wear a hat, warm mittens or gloves, and warm boots.
  • Stay dry. Your risk of hypothermia is much greater if you are wet.
  • Choose wool or synthetic fabrics for your clothes instead of cotton, because cotton stops keeping you warm once it gets wet.
  • Seek shelter if you normally spend long periods outside. Depending on the wind chill, exposed skin can freeze in minutes.
  • Drink warm fluids, other than alcohol.
  • Warm up by taking regular breaks in heated buildings when enjoying winter activities outside.
  • Consider rescheduling outdoor activities, or limiting time outdoors, during colder temperatures, especially if it's windy.
  • Heat your home to at least 21°C if infants or elderly people are present.
  • Visit vulnerable loved ones, friends, neighbours to ensure they are not experiencing any difficulties related to the weather.

Contact Brampton Emergency Management Office

Corporation of the City of Brampton
2 Wellington Street West
Brampton, ON L6Y 4R2