Complete, Healthy Landing Ground for Living-Working-Learning-Playing
Located at the intersection of Hurontario and Steeles – a 5-minute walk from the Light Rail Transit station that will be arriving in 2024 - the urban neighbourhood will be anchored by the Shoppers World Urban Community Hub at its heart. By re-imagining Uptown Core into a transit-oriented community of two complete 20-minute neighbourhoods Brampton residents will experience increased social and physical connection, urban design supporting active lifestyles,reduced pollution, vital economic growth and job creation. The heart of this Precinct, the community hub, will be located within the Shoppers World Master Plan area and will include a school, community spaces, and other amenities.
Learn more about the Urban Community Hub.
The Steeles stop of the Hurontario LRT is noted in the Metrolinx 2041 Regional Transportation Plan and the Brampton Official Plan as a Gateway Mobility Hub. This designation supports high density growth and design considerations for multiple modes of travel, including high quality walking and cycling infrastructure. This direction is supported by the City of Brampton’s Hurontario-Main Corridor Secondary Plan which anticipates significant population and employment increases. The Active Transportation Plan proposes protected bike lanes along Hurontario-Main, Charolais, and other roadways within the Precinct.
Currently, the area is home to approximately 25,00 residents and is a mixed-use area including a wide variety of built uses. This includes towers, a large format mall (Shoppers World) serviced by a large street facing parking lot, commercial plazas, and quieter residential neighbourhoods. Once built out, the area is anticipated to home 100,000 residents within the 20-minute neighbourhood.