​BRAMPTON, ON (February 23, 2022) – Today, the City of Brampton’s Fire and Emergency Services Incident Commander, Fire Chief Bill Boyes concluded that the emergency portion of the Churchville area flood response and operations has transitioned to an ongoing recovery effort.

Today all Churchville area residents have been able to return to their homes.

The City’s Public Works & Engineering Team and Brampton’s Emergency Management Office will continue ongoing recovery operations including ice removal, clean-up efforts, and providing support to local residents with coordinating essential utility services.

The Churchville Bridge remains closed to vehicular traffic and Creditview Road is open to local traffic only. Churchville Park South remains closed at this time, and the City’s Park’s staff will be working closely with Credit Valley Conservation on a restoration plan for the area. Any necessary repair work to damaged roadways and shoulders will take place in the summer months.

Further precipitation is not forecasted in the coming days, however weather patterns may change. Residents are encouraged to monitor changing patterns and any associated impacts on their property.

A Provincial Disaster Assistance Team will be on scene tomorrow to assess the area for potential financial assistance through the Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians (DRAO) program.

The City of Brampton thanks our partner organizations Region of Peel, Peel Regional Police, Credit Valley Conservation, Electrical Safety Authority, Enbridge, Alectra, our community partners Global Medic and Khalsa Aid, and supporting contractors for their dedicated support during this emergency.


Media Relations, City of Brampton