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The Parks and Recreation Master Plan (PRMP) is a planning document that the City of Brampton developed in 2016 and 2017. The plan provides recommendations to assist in planning and delivery of parks, open space, recreation and sport facilities for the next 15 years. The PRMP builds upon Brampton’s rich legacy of parks and recreational facilities, infrastructure and program delivery, while recognizing Brampton’s diverse demographics. A primary objective for the plan is providing infrastructure and programming options that will help facilitate an active lifestyle and improve the overall quality of life and wellbeing of Bramptonians.​

In 2017 the City of Brampton endorsed a long-term 15 year Parks and Recreation Master Plan to guide the strategic delivery of parks and recreation facilities (indoor and outdoor) and associated recreation programs in the City. The Plan provided 114 short, medium and long term recommendations on policy and program direction, in addition to providing capital project recommendations in support of the overall strategic vision. One of those recommendations was that the Plan be updated through a five-year review of the document to reflect characteristics of the population and the participation/utilization profile of facilities and programs at that time. Another recommendation was to communicate the achievements and progress of the PRMP to the public, stakeholders, agency partners and city representatives at regularly scheduled intervals throughout the PRMP's planning horizon. 

A Parks and Recreation Master Plan Five Year Update will provide a framework to guide the City’s decision making and to help deliver an efficient use of limited funds and resources. As build-out comes within view, it is imperative that the City has a plan to fund the ongoing operation and maintenance of parks, open spaces and recreational facilities that are constructed today, keeping in mind the continually changing demographic and recreation needs of our residents.  The 5-year update will help to ensure that the plan remains current to the demands of a growing and changing population and to trends and user needs. The 5-year update will also assist the City in reprioritizing the original recommendations to ensure the greatest impact. 

Through the Community Consultation and Engagement process the project team gathered feedback from all residents, community groups and stakeholders in the City including youth, seniors, ethnic groups and those with accessibility challenges. This helped to improve our understanding of the public’s needs, cultural influences, interests and barriers facing newcomers to Brampton - particularly those whose involvement in the process may be challenged due to linguistic barriers. The final plan identifies various recommendations designed to improve access to city facilities and programs through enhanced and or targeted programming or promotion.​

By reviewing our current parks and recreational facilities through the PRMP process, we are working towards making sure that all residents have good access to parks and recreation facilities and services. This Master Plan is also meant to be a dynamic plan and will be reviewed approximately every 5 years, to ensure that the information we are using is current and that the recommendations reflect the latest needs of our community.

A five year update to the 2017 PRMP document will include a consolidation of progress to date, a review and revision of the previous recommendations as they relate to the current state and needs of the City of Brampton population, new recommendations for the remainder of the PRMP 15 year term, and the provision of a long-term financial forecast which will contribute to refining Capital and current budget recommendations and aid decision-makers in the design, construction, operation / management and maintenance of parks, open spaces, and recreational facilities (indoor and outdoor). ​

Brampton, like many other municipalities, has a variety of challenges that it will need to address in the coming years related to the development and maintenance of its parks and recreation infrastructure.  These include:

• Continued growth in our population – particularly in the outlying ‘greenfield’ portions of our community
• Increased intensification in select areas of the City
• Socio-economic diversity
• Aging infrastructure and the necessity to undertake facility renewal and or repurposing
• Funding limitations
• Approaching ‘build-out’ of the city, meaning land is comparatively ‘scarce’
• Climate change

Undertaking the PRMP allows us to evaluate opportunities that can assist us in responding to these challenges. Some of these opportunities include:
• Examining the role ‘partnerships’ might play in facility or programming delivery – e.g. with sports clubs, school boards, private service providers or the general public.
• Improving our understanding of how our infrastructure is being used, to ensure optimal investment (or reinvestment) in this infrastructure
• Improving how we communicate with the public and stakeholders to make them aware of what the city already has in the way of infrastructure and programming
• Understanding and promoting our diversity – providing facilities and programming that enhance our cultural awareness and improve the sense of ‘community’

The City has engaged an external consulting team (Monteith Brown Planning Consultants with Ron Koudys Landscape Architects​ and Tucker-Reid and Associates) to assist in the update of the plan.​

A primary objective in the update of the PRMP is an emphasis on a broad-based, public engagement plan. The general public and stakeholders are invited to provide input in a variety of ways. Please see the  Parks and Recreation Masterplan  for a summary of those engag​ement opportunities. Beyond the survey and engagement sessions, there is always opportunity to ask a question, or provide your input. If you wish to do so, please email​ or call 311 within the City limits. 

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