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All about Inclusionary Zoning

​​​What is Inclusionary Zoning?

Provincial legislation in Ontario authorizes municipalities to adopt inclusionary zoning provisions, which requires a proportion of new residential developments (developments with 10 units or more) to be allocated for affordable housing within designated major transit station areas. This supports transit-oriented housing options in the City of Brampton and helps to deliver on the Big Moves outlined in Housing Brampton, Brampton’s first Housing Strategy (endorsed May 2021).

Through the creation of an Inclusionary Zoning Framework, the City of Brampton plans to:​

  • Support the creation of transit-oriented, complete communities
  • Deliver more affordable housing units
  • Support the creation of a mix and range of housing supply in Brampton’s housing market
  • ​Provide housing options in a manner that is based on principles of equity and inclusion

Development with Market-Priced UnitsDevelopment with Market-Priced Units

Development with Market and Affordable Units​​Development with Market and Affordable Units


Why is Inclusionary Zoning important?

In recent years, many households are challenged to find affordable housing in the City of Brampton. In 2020, average resale prices ranged from approximately $500,000 (condo apartment) to $1,000,0000 (single detached house). Comparatively, the 2020 affordable threshold in Peel Region was $438,306, significantly lower than average resale prices. For many mid-range income households in Brampton (household incomes of approximately $80,000 and $110,00 per year), these housing prices are beyond what is affordable.

The City recognizes that a full mix and range of housing options, including affordable housing choice and rental housing options, are integral to building complete communities. Inclusionary Zoning is one planning tool that can help to deliver this objective for our residents.

What is required to implement Inclusionary Zoning in Brampton?

The Province of Ontario’s Regulation for Inclusionary Zoning (O. Regulation 232/18) identifies the key elements required in creating Brampton’s Inclusionary Zoning framework. These various criteria must be satisfied prior to a municipality implementing its program, including:

  • A detailed assessment report which analyzes the potential impact of inclusionary zoning on the housing market and viability of development. The Region of Peel, in collaboration with the local municipalities, hired N. Barry Lyon Consultants to complete the Assessment Report.
  • ​Mandatory peer-review of the City’s analysis by a qualified professional. The Region of Peel, in collaboration with the local municipalities, hired urban Metrics to complete the peer-review of N. Barry Lyon Consultants Assessment Report.
  • Enactment of an inclusionary zoning bylaw and associated official plan policies as required under Section 35.2 of the Planning Act, which sets out the City’s approach for authorizing IZ and determines various program details. Ongoing City work will identify a proposed framework that will undergo significant public consultation and engagement with stakeholders.
  • Monitoring reports to Council, to be prepared every two years.

In addition, the regulations require analysis of the potential impacts of inclusionary zoning policies on the housing market and on the financial viability of development or redevelopment.