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Commemorative Street, Park or Facility Naming Request Form

​​The City of Brampton, including its lands, peoples, cultures and heritage, has a rich and diverse history worthy of celebration and recognition. Recognizing our City’s diversity through possible naming opportunities for City assets such as streets, facilities and parks is an appropriate way to celebrate our collective cultural heritage here and from all over the world. The City has an approved Asset Naming Policy to facilitate commemorative recognition to honour events and individuals’ outstanding achievements, distinctive service, or significant community contributions, including recognition of the City’s rich cultural heritage. There may exist opportunities for the City to recognize community and cultural heroes of significance to local communities within the City through naming streets, parks and other City assets.

Use this form to submit your proposed naming proposal. City of Brampton staff will contact you to confirm your submission and discuss possible next steps. A Council Reference Committee, comprising the Mayor, the respective Ward Councillors and appropriate City staff will review the submission for commemorating community and cultural heroes of Brampton’s diverse communities to celebrate the cultural mosaic of the City, in accordance with the City’s Asset Naming Policy. Please note - Submission of a naming proposal does not constitute City of Brampton acceptance and approval to name a street, park or facility. Appropriate due diligence will occur in accordance with the City's Asset Naming Policy and other other City policies and procedures. Final approval of any submitted naming proposal will be made by the City of Brampton Council.

Suggestions for names in honour of individuals must be accompanied by a written biography of the individual, including a description of the individual's significant contribution and an explanation of why the honour should be given. The Biography can be included in the Background Information Section of the Form.

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What is the City asset you are proposing to name or rename?*

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In Which Ward is the proposed location?*

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AcknowledgementI have reviewed all the information as part of this naming request and understand my naming request will be reviewed by the City of Brampton, including possible follow-up by the City with me regarding my request and possible request for further supporting information. My naming request, including some or all information submitted in support of my request, will be included in a public report considered by Brampton City Council and available for public access and review.
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