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Filming Guidelines & Planning

​​​​​​​All professional representatives​ looking to film in the c​ity of Brampton should mind the following guidelines below.​

A step-by-step guide to filming in Brampton

Step 1: Apply for a permit

Step 2: Provide a certificate of insurance

  • Have your production company or insurance broker fill out our insurance form and email a PDF file of the completed certificate of insurance to
  • View information about insurance requirements.
    Notes: Permits will not be issued until the certificate of insurance has been received.
  • Students producing films as part of their school curriculum are covered under the school's insurance policy. Check with your instructor, the school's risk management or the Brampton Film Office.

Step 3: Provide a letter of notification

  • Prepare and submit your Letter of Notification to the Brampton Film Office for review and approval before being circulated to residents/businesses where filming is proposed.
  • View a ​sample letter for details to include in your letter of notification.
  • Submit your letters of notification to

Step 4: Permits

  • The Brampton Film Office will review your application and advise you of any conflicts, concerns or if further notification is required i.e. Fire Department, Peel Regional Police or the Downtown Brampton BIA
  • Permits are ready the day prior to filming. Most permits can be emailed or picked up in person.​

Submit insurance documentation to the Brampton Film & TV Office, as the City of Brampton requires evidence of insurance on our Certificate of Insurance form found here.​

Productions are required to obtain and maintain general liability insurance in respect of the obligations and operations of the production against claims for bodily injury, including personal injury and death, and property damage or loss, indemnifying and protecting the production, their respective employees, servants, volunteers, agents, contractors, invitees or licensees, to the inclusive limit of at least five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) per occurrence.   However, productions that are deemed to be a higher risk, for example those including, but not limited to, special effects, fireworks, stunts and simulated gunfire, may require excess coverage.

Such insurance shall specifically state by its wording or by endorsement that the City of Brampton is included as an additional insured under the policy with respect to the operations and obligations of the production. The production shall deliver to the City evidence of such insurance on a form provided by the City completed and signed by an authorized representative of the insurance company.

Permit applicants should consult with their insurance advisors if further clarification and explanation is needed.

Student Filming in a City Facility or Public Space with a Rental Contract

It is mandatory for productions and individuals to carry liability insurance when renting a City facility or property.

The City of Brampton's Liability Insurance Program is offered to student users of City Recreation facilities (i.e. ice, fields, gyms, floors, rooms and picnic areas) who do not carry their own, or adequate insurance when renting a Recreation facility or outdoor area. Productions can buy into the program with limitations. Please contact the Brampton Film & TV Office for more info.​

​Residents & businesses must receive written, advance notice from the production company about the location filming activity that will take place in their neighbourhood.

The Brampton Film Office must review and approve the notification letters before they are delivered to ensure information is accurate and align with permits. E-mail letters to (always indicate project title in subject line) with sufficient time to avoid delays.

Distribute Notification Letters to residents and businesses in the area in which filming activity will take place a minimum of 48 hours in advance of your arrival (including prep days and coning). This allows area residents and businesses the opportunity to respond.

Provide letters to both sides of the street within a 1 block radius of the film location(s), or as otherwise instructed by the Brampton Film & TV Office.

Review a sample letter of notification.

The letter should:

  • Identify the film company, type and title of production on film company letterhead
  • Provide the name and phone number of the Location Manager and Assistant Location Manager
  • Provide the duration of filming (i.e. 1 day, 2 consecutive days, recurring location for [ x ] # of days over [ x ] # of months) and times (i.e. 7:00 am to 11:00 pm)
  • State the proposed parking locations of the production unit, including street name, side of street, parameters, etc.
  • Include the date(s) and times that coning and/or production vehicles will arrive at the location, as well as wrap date and time
  • Propose alternate parking arrangements for anyone displaced by the production. It is up to the film company to find suitable alternative parking for residents in the neighbourhood.
  • Detail any special street dressing, gunfire or special effects
  • Include the following statement: We are working alongside the Brampton Film Office to bring our production to the city. Thank you for helping make Brampton a film-friendly location. If you have any questions regarding the industry or the film permitting process, please contact the Brampton Film Office at or 905.874.3361.
  • Variances from guidelines: If a production is requesting an exemption to the filming guidelines in the letter, i.e. filming after 11:00 pm. The letter should state that the film company will canvass the neighbourhood for permission to obtain this variance.
  • Productions will no longer canvas door-to-door and will letter required residents/businesses with a release form indicating their intention to film. Residents/businesses will then be asked to object by phone or email. If a majority do not object to the intention to film, a film permit will be issued - Download the Signature Permission Form here.

​Information on monies that a production intends to spend in the City of Brampton is required portion of the Film Permit Application form.

The Brampton Film & TV Office gathers data from the production to promote continued support for the industry at all levels of government by measuring the economic impact. This is an accepted practice by both Canadian and U.S. production companies and film commissions worldwide.

All rentals of a City facility, arena, gym, park, sports field, pool, etc. are subject to availability. Please contact the film office to check on the availability of the City facilities or public spaces required.

You may also contact the City of Brampton Rentals department where a customer service representative will assist you. Call 905.874.BOOK(2665) Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.

The Ontario Film and Television Safety Committee was established in 1998 by representatives from the film industry and the Ontario Ministry of Labour.

The Safety Committee has developed guidelines for everyone in the film and television field within the province of Ontario. They aim to educate every worker, in all disciplines, at all levels, in the value of hazard recognition and safe working practices.

Education is the foundation of any health and safety program. With performers, support staff, and management working together to be more knowledgeable, they can more effectively identify and address specific needs and issues.

Guidelines can be downloaded from the Ministry of Labour website

Health & Saftey Guidelines: Ontario Section 21 Health and Safety Guidelines are available at​. These guidelines were created by the Section 21 Film and Television Health and Safety Advisory Committee and approved by the Ministry of Labour, Training & Skills Development (MLTSD).

Film and television productions are all guests in residential and commercial areas and shall treat all locations, as well as the members of the public, with courtesy. It is the responsibility of each producer/production company to ensure that cast and crew comply with this Code of Conduct. Every filming notification letter which is distributed in the neighbourhood or business district must include this one-page ​Code of Conduct photocopied on the back.
Permitted Filming Times & Variances
Filming in Brampton can only take place between 7:00 am and 11:00 pm unless residents/businesses are surveyed and a majority has given their approval for the variance in time (written approval where possible, name and address noted if home owner/tenant, business owner has no objection, but does not wish to sign). This information to be filed with the Brampton Film Office.
When filming in a neighbourhood, or Downtown Brampton proper notification is to be provided to each merchant or resident directly affected by the filming activity (this includes any parking and base camp areas).
The filming notice shall include:

• name of production company, title of production
• production type (e. g. feature film, mini-series, TV series, television special, etc.)
• type, duration and description of activity (i.e. times, dates and number of days, including prep and strike)
• company contact including Location Manager and Location Assistant
Road Occupancy & Access Permits and Production Vehicle Restrictions
Production vehicles arriving on location in or near a residential neighborhood shall not enter the area before the time stipulated on the Brampton Road Occupancy & Access (ROA) Permit. Production vehicles shall park one by one, turning off engines as soon as possible. Personal cast & crew vehicles are not covered by the ROA Permit and those shall observe designated parking areas identified by location managers and approved by the Brampton Film & TV Office. Other expectations:
• Productions are not permitted to occupy any accessible parking spaces or adjacent access aisle.
• Moving or towing of any vehicle is prohibited without the express permission of the registered owner of the vehicle
• Production vehicles shall not block, or park in, driveways without explicit permission of the property owner and/or the City.
• It is up to the production company to make alternate parking arrangements for the residents in possession of a valid street parking permit for that area whose vehicles are displaced by the filming activity.
• Pedestrian traffic shall not be obstructed at any time. All cables and similar items must be channeled and covered safely.
Signage and Removal of City or Privately-owned Property
The removal of any objects that are City or privately owned must be agreed upon before the activity takes place, including:
• Removing, trimming and/or cutting of vegetation or trees is prohibited unless approved by the relevant municipal authority and/or property owner.
• Production crew shall not remove City street signs. This must be done by City Public Works and Transportation staff.
• Crew members shall not display signs, posters, or pictures on vehicles that members of the public may find offensive or objectionable (i.e. material containing vulgar language or sexual content).
Other Cast and Crew Expectations
• Cast and crew shall not trespass on residents' or merchants' property. They must remain within the boundaries of the property that has been permitted for filming.
• No alcoholic beverages are permitted at any time on any set or location.
• Cast and crew meals shall be confined to the area designated in the location agreement or permit. Individuals shall eat within their designated meal area, during scheduled crew meals. All trash must be disposed of properly upon completion of the meal. All beverage containers, napkins, plates, and cups used in the course of the workday shall be disposed of in the proper receptacles. All locations must be returned to their original condition, meaning all catering, Craft services, construction, production, strike and personal waste must be removed from the location.
• Every member of the cast and crew shall keep noise levels as low as possible at all times. Cast and crew will refrain from the use of lewd or improper language.
• Cast and crew shall observe designated smoking areas and always extinguish cigarettes in appropriate containers.
• Production company employees shall wear appropriate clothing while on location (i.e., t-shirts with offensive slogans or logos are not acceptable).
• The production cast and crew shall not bring guests or pets to the location.
• It is the responsibility of the production company to ensure that there is a minimum of disruption to residents, occupants, businesses and City employees where filming occurs. This includes ensuring residents, owners and customer’s access to their respective premises and ensuring pedestrian and vehicular access to adjoining properties.

Production Vehicle & Equipment Parking
The City of Brampton does not offer permit parking on City streets.
Parking is not permitted:
  • on any street between the hours of 2 am and 6 am,
  • on any street for longer than 3 hours; and
  • on a residential street if your vehicle has a height of more than 2.6m and/or a length of more than 6.7m including any attachments or trailers.
Filmmakers and production companies must apply for a Road Occupancy Access Permit through the Brampton Film Office by indicating the production vehicle & equipment parking requests on the Film Permit Application form in order to park production vehicle(s) or equipment on City streets and/or to reserve parking on City streets with traffic cones.
The Brampton Film Office and Public Works will review each request and issue a Road Occupancy & Access Permit once all conditions have been met.
Municipal Parking Garages
There are five municipally-owned parking garages in the downtown area of Brampton (near City Hall). The hours of operation are 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, at a rate of $1.00 per half hour, or $9.00 a day. The first hour of parking is free, as well as, evenings, weekends and holidays.
Parking Meters & Pay and Display
In downtown Brampton, many parking meters and pay and display machines for residents and customers are operated by the City. Parking rates vary by location and time of day, more information can be found here.
If Road Occupancy & Access is requested and permitted by the Brampton Film Office on a stretch of road that includes pay and display or parking meters, then those meters will be bagged and the production company will be invoiced for the daily max rate per parking spot occupied per day.
Accessible Parking Spaces & Other Restrictions
At no time will a production be allowed to park in an Accessible Parking Space on City roads, even if it aligns with a stretch of pay and display machines or parking meters.
Individuals in a vehicle with a valid Accessible Parking Permit are allowed to park in the specially designated parking spaces. More information can be found here.​

A production requesting to do any or all types of “work” on any roadway operated by the City of Brampton must apply for a Road Occupancy & Access Permit, issued by Public Works, but facilitated by the Brampton Film & TV Office.​​
A production company’s Road Occupancy & Access Permit will authorize the following types of scenarios requested. Please indicate which scenarios you are requesting on the Film Permit Application form. Typical scenarios include (but are not limited to):
  • Road closure(s)
  • Traffic lane closure(s)
  • Intermittent traffic stoppages
  • Travelling shots & Grid-style permit(s)
  • Sidewalk closure(s)
  • Production Vehicle and equipment parking on City roads
All productions seeking a Road Occupancy & Access permit will be required to provide a valid City of Brampton Certificate of Insurance document and sign off on the Road Occupancy & Access Permit and Conditions documents.
It is the responsibility of the production to review the Road Occupancy & Access Permit and the Conditions documents before consenting to them.
Overnight - Any roadway “work” occurring between the hours of 11:00 pm – 7:00 am must get majority permission of the residents and businesses directly affected (as determined by the Brampton Film Office).

Access for emergency vehicles must be maintained at all times.

When the City has declared Winter Operations are in effect, access for all winter operation vehicles must be maintained as well.

Road Closure(s)
In order to close a road in the City of Brampton for filming purposes, a request for a Road Occupancy & Access Permit indicating a Road Closure must be submitted to the Brampton Film & TV Office a minimum of two weeks before the planned closure date for appropriate review.
A production is required to have road closure advanced notice message signage installed a minimum of one week before the planned closure day and time.
Generally, the production must provide the following:
  • installation of road closure advance notice message sign(s)
  • A detailed Traffic Control Plan
  • Detour plan (if necessary)
  • If the road closure restricts access for the area residents, indicate what arrangements will be made to assist area residents and businesses to safely get in and out of their driveways.
  • Number and positions of paid duty officers and cruisers
All temporary road conditions must follow the traffic control devices and systems as outlined in the Ontario Traffic Manual – Book 7, including (but not limited to): use of pay duty police officers and/or flag persons as traffic control persons, signage, advanced notification messaging, markers, barricades, and cones.
Traffic Lane Reduction & Closure(s)
In order to close a lane or lanes of traffic in the City of Brampton for filming purposes, a request for a Road Occupancy & Access Permit indicating lane reduction or closure(s) must be submitted to the Brampton Film & TV Office a minimum of one week before the planned closure date for appropriate review.
Generally, the production must provide the following:
  • A detailed Traffic Control Plan
  • Detour plan (if necessary)
  • If a lane closure request restricts access for the area residents, indicate what arrangements will be made to assist area residents and businesses to safely get in and out of their driveways.
  • Number and positions of paid duty officers and cruisers
  • Indicate where production vehicles and picture vehicles will be positioned near or around the work area
All temporary road conditions must follow the traffic control devices and systems as outlined in the Ontario Traffic Manual – Book 7, including (but not limited to): use of pay duty police officers and/or flag persons as traffic control persons, signage, advanced notification messaging, markers, barricades, and cones.

Intermittent Traffic Stoppages (ITS)
In order to pause regular traffic up to three minutes at a time in the City of Brampton for filming purposes, a request for a Road Occupancy & Access Permit indicating Intermittent Traffic Stoppages must be submitted to the Brampton Film & TV Office a minimum of two weeks before the planned closure date for appropriate review.
Depending on the roadways in consideration, the conditions of the Road Occupancy & Access Permit for Intermittent Traffic Stoppage may include (but are not limited to):
  • Stoppages can be no longer than three minutes in length
  • Use of paid duty officers to act as traffic control persons
  • An approved detour plan (if necessary)
Travelling Shots & Grid Permits
The City of Brampton does not currently issue Grid Permits for city roads. All productions must apply for a Road Occupancy & Access Permit, detailed on the Film Permit Application form, for all filming taking place on City roads.
In order to obtain a Road Occupancy & Access Permit for typical filming work involving access to all roads of the City, including travelling shots, productions are asked to provide detailed driving routes and pay duty police officer (and cruisers) request forms, if required, to the Brampton Film & TV Office.
Typical travel and grid requests including filming with a camera in a car driving in regular traffic, filming with a process trailer or camera car (chase car) while escorted by a police cruiser in regular traffic, filming with a chase vehicle on other City property (including sidewalks and neighbourhood walkways).
Driving any vehicles in City parks and on pathways/trails will be reviewed by Parks department to approve.
Filming on a Sidewalk & Sidewalk Closure(s)
Productions planning on blocking access to a sidewalk or neighbourhood walkway (i.e. catwalks, cut-throughs, etc.) must apply for a Road Occupancy & Access Permit, by providing details to the Brampton Film & TV Office on the Film Permit Application form.
Some sidewalk closures will be treated as Road Closures. Depending on the impact to the sidewalk, signature permission will be required by a majority of the residents and businesses whose driveways or property are directly impacted.
Production Vehicle & Equipment Parking
The City of Brampton does not offer permit parking on City streets.
Parking is not permitted:
  • on any street between the hours of 2 am and 6 am,
  • on any street for longer than 3 hours; and
  • on a residential street if your vehicle has a height of more than 2.6m and/or a length of more than 6.7m including any attachments or trailers.
Filmmakers and production companies must apply for a Road Occupancy Access Permit through the Brampton Film Office by indicating the production vehicle & equipment parking requests on the Film Permit Application form in order to park production vehicle(s) or equipment on City streets and/or to reserve parking on City streets with traffic cones.
The Brampton Film Office and Public Works will review each request and issue a Road Occupancy & Access Permit once all conditions have been met.
Access for emergency vehicles must be maintained at all times.

When the City has declared Winter Operations are in effect, access for all winter operation vehicles must be maintained as well.
Roads Serviced by the Region of Peel
The Region of Peel maintains and operates many major roads within the borders of the City of Brampton. Many filming scenarios may require you to apply for a Film Permit with both the City of Brampton and the Region. Please find a full list of roads serviced by the Region ​here.
Quick Contact: Traffic Engineering, Public Works – Region of Peel at 905.791.7800 or email
Practical Stunts and use of Special Effects (Firearms, Explosive Devices and Flammable Liquids) on City Roads
It is the responsibility of the production company to inform the Brampton Film & TV Office of any time practical stunts, firearms, explosive devices, igniters or flammable liquids or any potentially dangerous stunts are attempted while occupying City roadways and/or walkways, to be able to consult with Public Works and Traffic Services and ensure public safety. 

The production company may be required to pay a deposit if a City roadway or walkway has the potential of getting damaged. See specific Special Effects application requirements in the Special Effects section below.​

The City of Brampton has many facilities and outdoor spaces available to rent for your next production. Whether it be filming locations, holding space, lunch space or extra parking. City of Brampton property could be available for your next production.
The Brampton Film & TV Office works alongside the Rental Office and specific city sites to help facilitate all rentals for filming purposes.
All production rental inquiries of City property can be directed to the Brampton Film Office at 905.874.3361 or
Please visit the Locations page or the Ontario Film Commission’s Digital Location ​​Library for a sample of City of Brampton filming locations, indoor and outdoor, that are available.
For every rental, a production or individual filmmaker will engage in a Rental Agreement with the City and, depending on the impact of the production, the Brampton Film Office will facilitate the signing of a binding Location Agreement. The Brampton Film & TV Office requires three working days to get proper review and sign-off on any Location Agreement.
The City of Brampton Location Agreement is a binding legal agreement that productions and the City of Brampton will engage in prior to the filming dates, inclusive of any prep days. The Brampton Film & TV Office cannot guarantee timely execution of a production company’s request for changes with this agreement. If changes are required or requested, sufficient timing beyond the standard three working days are required for proper review.

When it is necessary for streetlights to be controlled on roadways, a production company has to have an approved Road Closure. Please see the Road Occupancy & Access Permits section above for what is required to obtain a Road Closure.
Lights along most park pathways in the City are controlled by the City as well. Any request to control park lights can be made through the Brampton Film Office.
When it is necessary for street signs or traffic signs to be removed, replaced or covered or for signs and pavement to be marked, the scope of work must be detailed to the Brampton Film Office. A deposit to be paid to the City of Brampton may be required in order to perform some of this work.
The removal of trees is protected by the Tree Preservation By-law (317-2012) which protects trees in parks, public spaces and private property. For clear guidelines on when a tree can or cannot be removed and to apply for a permit to injure or destroy trees, please visit the Tree By-laws page.

Productions must indicate on the ​ Film Permit Application Form if the production intends to perform any form of Special Effects (SPFX). Categories of SPFX are highligh​ted below, but may include a combination of these effects. Please review requirements in each category below.

  • Pyrotechnics, Flares & Fireworks
  • Smoke & Atmosphere
  • Open Flames & Fires
  • Simulated Gunfire & Squibs
Standard requirements for all special effects involving ignition for simulated gunfire, pyrotechnics and fireworks include:
  1. A complete Film Permit Application Form
  2. Letter of Authorization from Property Owner or a copy of the Use Agreement indicating the production’s intent to use special effects.
  3. Certificate of Insurance - the City of Brampton and the film company is to be named as additional insured on a General Comprehensive Public Liability in the amount of $5 million ($5,000,000) with a Cross Liability / Severability of Interest Clause
  4. Provide a detailed SPFX Event Plan including:
    a. SPFX Company name and info
    b. Production Title and Production Company info
    c. Name and/or Address of the Location
    d. Date and time of Special Effect use
    e. Provide a list of all products being used, including the manufacturer name for the purpose of cross referencing with ERD’s List of Authorized Products
    f. SPFX Supervisor Photo ID, including number and expiry date – i.e. Fireworks Operator Certificate
    g. A site plan indicating the SFX location and distance from of any structures
    h. Safety Plan
Please note that a Fire Prevention Chief may request the production to conduct an on-site demonstration of the most volatile product they intend to use, prior to the event.
Fireworks & Explosives (Pyrotechnics, Flares, etc.)
The use of explosives (to ignite pyrotechnics, firework displays, flares, etc.) requires the production to apply for a SPFX Pyrotechnic Permit. The fee for a SPFX Pyrotechnic Permit is $250. 
The use of commercial fireworks requires productions to apply for a Fireworks Permit. The fee for a Fireworks Permit is $250
The SPFX Supervisor handling the igniters and explosives must hold a valid Fireworks Operator Certificate, issued by the Explosives Regulatory Division (ERD) of Natural Resources Canada.
The Fire Prevention Division of the City of Brampton’s Fire & Emergency Services issues the permit once all requirements listed above are met and the Permit fee is paid for in full. Permits can be paid in person at 225 Central Park Drive or by credit card over the phone at 905.874.2740

Controlled Open Flames & Smoke
If a production is using an open flame fuelled by propane (or another gas), atmosphere smoke, or any other emissions visible to the public that has been approved by the Brampton Film Office, the production must inform the fire department communications line at 905 456-5788 at the time the effects are being conducted and when it is has complete.
Outdoor Burning Fires
The City of Brampton does not permit any outdoor burning fires, including fireplaces, chimineas, bonfires, etc., as per the Open Fires By-Law 94-91, unless the open fire is on land zoned as agricultural or estate residential.
Simulated Gunfire, Replica Firearms & Squibs
Productions using simulated gunfire (with or without squibs) and Replica Firearms are required to indicate their use on the Film Permit Application Form.
It is the responsibility of the production company to indicate at the time they make a Paid Duty request to Peel Regional Police, to request an Explosive Device Unit (EDU) Officer and indicate what type of equipment is being used. Please see Pay Duty Officer requirements below.
Use of Special Effects (Firearms, Explosive Devices and Flammable Liquids) on City Roads
It is the responsibility of the production company to inform the Brampton Film & TV Office any time firearms, explosive devices, igniters or flammable liquids or any potentially dangerous stunts are attempted while occupying City roadways and/or walkways, to be able to consult with Public Works and Traffic Services and ensure public safety. The production company may be required to pay a deposit if a City road or walkway can potentially be damaged.

Peel Regional Police off-duty police officers are available for hire to provide police presence for film shoots for a variety of situations. Pay Duty Officers may be a requirement to meet all conditions of a City of Brampton Road Occupancy & Access Permit, as well as, Special Effects, simulated gunfire and when replica firearms are on set.
Please visit the Peel Regional Police ​website and follow the process indicated by the Central Paid Duty Unit to request pay duty officers. The request form can be found here and a list of their current rates can be found here.
Special Effects, Simulated Gunfire & Replica Firearms

It is the responsibility of the production company to indicate at the time they make a Paid Duty request to Peel Regional Police, to request an Explosive Device Unit (EDU) Officer and indicate what type of equipment is being used. Please see Pay Duty Officer requirements below.
Paid Duty Officer Responsibilities
When arriving on set, the Paid Duty Officer
  • Will ensure a valid permit has been issued and the production is operating within the permit parameters
  • Will ensure that all pyro-technicians have the appropriate licensing for the effect(s) to be performed
  • Will ensure that a pyrotechnic plan (where applicable) is being adhered to
  • Will ensure that all explosives on set are properly stored and appropriate safety measures are used
  • Must be satisfied that the gun handler has all the appropriate permits and licences for any weapons he/she brings on set
  • Must check all firearms and ammunition prior to being used on set.
  • Must address improper use of weapons on set
  • Must ensure that adequate safety equipment and/or personnel are on set to handle any emergency situation arising from the use of firearms, explosives or pyrotechnics on set.
It is strongly recommended that when on set Paid Duty Officers are readily recognizable as a police officer.
Quick Contact: Peel Regional Police - Central Paid Duty Office at 905.453.2121 ext. 4243​

Paramedic Services, including on-site EMS vehicles, can be requested through the Region of Peel.
Quick Contact: Region of Peel - Paramedic Community Relations Specialist at 905-791-7800, ext. 3956.

All Hydrant Permits are issued by the Region of Peel.
For more information or to obtain a Hydrant Permit, please visit the Region of Peel website or call 905.791.7800 ext. 4243
Hydrant Permits within Brampton will apply from March 1st to October 31st.
Note: The Region of Peel require a deposit fee for each hydrant permit. The deposit covers the replacement cost for the meter and all associated appurtenances and works associated with the installation and removal of the meter.

A production company is required to have a locate completed for any ground disturbance to a depth of more than 45cm to ensure there is no contact with underground commodities, such as pipe lines, irrigation lines, electrical cables, etc.
Ground disturbance includes, but is not limited to the following:
  • digging
  • excavation
  • trenching
  • ditching
  • tunneling
  • boring/drilling/pushing
  • auguring
  • topsoil stripping
  • land levelling/grading
  • tree planting
  • clearing and stump removal
  • subsoiling
  • blasting/use of explosives
  • quarrying
  • grinding and milling of asphalt/concrete
  • driving fence posts, bars, rods, pins, anchors, or pilings
  • crossing of buried pipelines or other underground infrastructure by heavy loads off the travelled portion of a public roadway

Damage to underground services can have serious consequences; personal injury, the chance of creating a safety risk for others, and the loss of essential services.

Contact Ontario One Call for all locate requests before you dig. Locate requests are free of charge and may take up to five business days to be completed. You can contact Ontario One Call and request a locate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone at 1-800-400-2255 or through the website​.

Helicopter Filming
Arrangements must be made for helicopter filming involving landings, take-offs and/or flying at altitudes less than 1,000 feet in the City of Brampton.
  1. The helicopter company should take out insurance with the following requirements on the certificate:
    • The City of Brampton and the film company to be named as additional insured.
    • General Comprehensive Public Liability in the amount of $10 million ($10,000,000).
    • A Cross Liability / Severability of Interest Clause.
  2. The helicopter company conducting the flight is responsible for making the necessary arrangements with Transport Canada for flights in accordance with the altitudes and distances required by the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs).
  3. Transport Canada will conduct a site inspection of the film location and advise the Toronto Film and Television Office of its suitability.
Transport Canada requires two weeks’ notice prior to filming.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Transport Canada requests a minimum of 20 days’ notice prior to filming using unmanned aerial vehicles.
Transport Canada approves the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for filming purposes through the issuance of a special flight operations certificate (SFOC).
The UAV operator applies to Transport Canada – Special Flight Operations to obtain the certificate.
For more information on the process of applying for an SFOC please visit the Transport Canada website.
The unmanned aerial vehicle company should take out insurance with the following requirements on the certificate:
  • The City of Brampton and the film company to be named as additional insured.
  • General Comprehensive Public Liability in the amount of $5 million ($5,000,000).
  • A Cross Liability / Severability of Interest Clause.
Once the film company informs the Brampton Film Office that a UAV will be used in a film shoot, it will be determined if a Road Closure is required, and if site meetings with the appropriate internal and external stakeholders is required.
The film company must notify area residents and businesses in its letter of notification that filming will involve use of a UAV.