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Financing your Small Business


Small businesses are an important contributor to Canada’s economy. Starting or growing a small business takes planning, hard work and money to make it happen. There are various ways to finance your small business including debt and equity financing, and government finance programs. Each small business is unique and has its own specific finance needs.

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Fast facts 78 per cent of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have a positive relationship with their main financial institution Of the 77 per cent of SME owners who have a credit relationship with a bank, 90 per cent report it to be positive. Banks are committed to helping their clients through tough times: only three per cent of SME owners report banks have not been at all willing to help them weather the recent economic downturn. The bottom line: Banks play an essential role in the business operations of small- and medium-sized businesses, meeting their diverse financial needs to drive innovation, development and growth.

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There are many different ways that you can finance your business. The number of options can be overwhelming sometimes, as can the criteria of lenders and investors. Financing is not always readily available, but you can increase your chances of accessing financing by preparing. Browse through this information to determine what type of financing is best for your business and study the documents on how to make a pitch to a lender or investor.

Having difficulty thinking about where you will get the finances to get you business started? Details on 8 different sources are provided on this website.
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Entrepreneurs often report that getting financing is the most challenging aspect of starting a business. There are both government and private-sector sources of financing that you can tap into to get your business off the ground.

The Canada Small ​Business Financing Program makes it easier for small businesses to get loans from financial institutions by sharing the risk with lenders.  The maximum loan amount for a borrower is $1.15 million.
•  Up to a maximum of $1,000,000 for term loans for any one borrower, of which no more than $500,000 can be used for purchasing leasehold improvements or improving leased property and purchasing or improving new or used equipment and of that amount, a maximum of $150,000 could be used for intangible assets and working capital costs.
• Up to a maximum of $150,000 for lines of credit. 
Financial institutions deliver the program and are solely responsible for approving the loan. For ​more information download their PDF pamphlet or click here to find a lender near you. ​

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These FREE guides contain very useful and relevant information. There are currently twelve guides available to be ordered. Some topics include marketing, financing, understanding business cycles, customer loyalty and maximizing cash flow.
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