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Call for Arts-Based Programming for Artists and Creatives in Brampton Schools Program

The Brampton Arts Organization (BAO) is seeking proposals for arts-based programs, exhibitions, performances, and workshops from Brampton-based artists, creatives, collectives, performers, writers and arts & culture organizations to take place in Brampton schools.

Selected participants will receive up to $1500.00 (to cover artist fee/s and materials) for each project.

Please read the Program Guidelines below or here before applying.

Total Projects to be Funded: 6 projects.

Application Deadline: August 18, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. - apply here.

Information Session: August 8, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. - register here.

What Does This Program Support?

The BAO Artists and Creatives in Brampton Schools pilot program provides funding to Brampton artists, creatives, collectives, and arts & culture organizations working in any creative discipline (for example, literary arts/writing, visual arts, performing arts, music and more) to provide free arts-based experiences and programs to students in Brampton schools, grades K-12.

The goal of this program is to reduce barriers to arts participation and skill development for Brampton students while providing Brampton creatives and organizations with program delivery support that is fully funded.

Arts and culture program proposals on any topic will be considered, though we will prioritize projects that:

  • Engage and connect students through artistic creation.
  • Provide training and/or skill building that supports students on pathways to creative careers.

Examples include:

  • Dance workshop (e.g. Bhangra)
  • Professional development workshops (e.g. audition preparation workshop, portfolio clinics, etc.)
  • Exhibition of student artwork with a student selection panel
  • Spoken word showcase / Poetry Slam
  • Beading workshop

The entire budget for this project can be up to $1500 with a minimum artist fee payment of $400. Additional budget can be used towards insurance, materials, vulnerable sector check fees or artist transportation to schools. The program can be in-person or virtual.

Who Can Apply?

  • Brampton-based artists, creatives and collectives
  • Brampton-based arts and culture organizations

Eligibility Criteria Specific to Individual Applicants

If the applicant is an individual artist/creative, the following eligibility criteria apply

  • Applicant must reside in Brampton
    • The applicant must have a residential address within the City of Brampton and must have been in Brampton for a minimum of 6 months prior to the date of application.
  • Applicant must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Applicant must propose workshop within their creative discipline.
  • Applicant must have experience working with schools or youth audiences (ages 6-18 years old).

Eligibility Criteria for Organizations

  • Organizations and collectives must be located in the City of Brampton
  • Applicants applying on behalf of the organization must have a residential address within the city of Brampton and must have been in Brampton for a minimum of 6 months prior to the date of application.
  • Applicants must have experience working with schools or youth audiences (ages 6-18 years old).

Project Eligibility Criteria

  • Projects must take place before December 31, 2024.
  • Projects must be delivered by the applicant/s.
  • Projects must be delivered to Brampton K - 12 schools in the Peel District School Board or Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board.
  • Projects must be offered at no cost to schools.
  • The entire budget (up to $1500) must be used to deliver the workshop (including artist fees, insurance, materials, transportation, and all other expenses).
  • Artists must offer a minimum of 1 classroom/school engagement up to a maximum of 3 classroom/school engagements to deliver the project. (E.g. three-part audition preparation workshop series).
  • The intended audience must be students in Brampton schools (Peel District School Board or Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board).
  • Projects must be appropriate for intended audience (grade level, curriculum content).
  • Projects must be accessible to schools (accessible materials, equipment and space requirements, distance to travel).
  • Projects must take into consideration safety within the space, materials, scents, allergens, etc.
  • Workshops must follow any Region of Peel Public Health or school board mandates.
  • Workshops should take place at schools but can take place online and offsite where appropriate (e.g. a ceramics studio).

What Is Expected Of Applicant If Selected?

  • Deliver the selected project within the program's timeline and budget.
  • Full administration and facilitation of the workshops including:
    • Communication with school.
    • Finding and selecting a school and/or class to work with.
    • Scheduling and coordinating project details with school.
    • Following school board procedures as needed (e.g. Approved Vendors Application, Contracts, Photo Release forms, etc.).
    • Any related marketing materials needed (BAO cannot provide marketing support).
    • All program facilitation (BAO will not be present for the workshop/s).
  • Provide a current up-to-date Vulnerable Sector Check and valid insurance to the school.
  • Provide regular progress updates to BAO staff on project timelines with a minimum of 2 weeks notice.
  • Submit a Social Insurance Number, if you are an individual participating artist. Individual recipients will receive a T4A for the funding amount.
  • Complete a final report upon the completion of the workshops (See Appendix A of program guidelines.).

What are the rules or requirements for this project?

  • Successful applicants will be required to obtain Commercial General Liability insurance for all public programming, with an inclusive limit of not less than $5 million (CAD) per occurrence.
    • The policy should name BAO as additionally insured with a copy forwarded in advance of the project's activities onsite to BAO staff.
    • Schools may require a copy or proof of insurance for their records.
    • Higher inclusive limit may be required for certain projects.
    • Please ensure you include Commercial General Liability insurance in your budget.
  • Participants are required to acknowledge the support of BAO in all written materials related to the activities for which funds are granted.
    • The BAO logo will be provided. In lieu of the logo, the recipient may use the phrase “supported by the Brampton Arts Organization.”
  • Recipients are required to send BAO information on any public performances or events presented in the context of this project. This information should be emailed to the Education and Community Engagement Coordinator.
  • In addition to the previously mentioned general conditions of funding, BAO reserves the right to place other conditions on the release of the funding (such as confirmation of venue, programming, other sources of funding, etc.).

Selection Criteria

The Selection Panel will review applications for:

  • Artist/Organization's connection to Brampton.
  • Professional artistic experience and demonstrated experience leading arts programming for youth or school audiences.
  • Quality of the experience of the proposed project provided to students.
  • Project feasibility (scope, budget, audience, etc.).

Priority will be given to applicants from (or that center programming by) equity-deserving groups, including those who identify as Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, Trans, Nonbinary, Queer, Disabled and intersections of those identities.

Proposals must be respectful of age, ancestry, colour, race, citizenship, ethnic origin, place of origin, creed, disability, family status, marital status (including single status), gender identity, gender expression, sex, and sexual orientation as outlined in the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Proposals or presentations should not have any political or religious content.

Selection Panel

The selection panel will consist of:

  • BAO staff
  • Local artist/s
  • Peel District School Board representative

Upcoming Information Sessions

August 8, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.

The purpose of this information session is to provide an opportunity to review this document and the application process with BAO staff, and to help answer any questions you might have about your program's suitability and/or your eligibility to apply. This session will be recorded and shared with registrants.

Register Here

Application Accessibility Support

If you have any questions about this call or require any assistance, accommodations or additional support in completing this application, please reach out at least one week prior to the application deadline to Amanda Foulds, Education and Community Engagement Coordinator, at


Applicants are asked to complete the application form before August 18, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.

Register Now


How do I apply?

Applicants are required to submit their application via the Call for Arts-Based Programming for Artists and Creatives in Brampton Schools Program form. Applications must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on the deadline date of August 18, 2024. BAO does not accept applications by any other means of delivery. You will receive a confirmation email when your application is submitted. Check your spam/junk mail folder if it doesn't arrive in your in-box. Creatives will be notified of their proposal status within two calendar months of submission by email.

How is my application assessed?

The Selection Committee will assess proposals according to the following criteria:

  • Artist/Organization's connection to Brampton.
  • Artist/Organization's experience leading workshops for youth 6-18 years of age.
  • Quality of the experience the proposed project will provide to students.
  • Workshop feasibility (scope, budget, audience, etc.).

Will I need to document the program?

Please refer to Appendix A for the metrics you will need to track for the Close Out Report. BAO may send a photographer to document the program, workshop, or event.

When will I receive the funding?

Selected applicants will receive funding in two payments. Half of the total fee will be paid upon acceptance into the program, and the other half upon completion of the program.

Will BAO be present during my workshops?

No, BAO staff will not be present during the programming. Successful applicants will be the lead facilitators for their approved program.

What are some additional considerations while preparing my application?

We encourage applicants to consider the following when putting together their application and planning their programs/workshops:

  • Contracts to secure program dates, supplies, and support from schools/teachers.
  • Photo release forms if planning to document students. Ask schools about their photo release policies.
  • Safety considerations for the space, materials, scents, allergens, etc.
  • Progr​am adaptations to meet diverse access needs in classrooms.
  • Volunteers or additional support. Will the school provide these or will you bring support? Have they completed the necessary paperwork (VSC, etc.). BAO will not be providing volunteers or additional support.
  • Where will you source your materials?