Market Date: November 16th, 2024
Market Time: 11AM-4PM
Market Venue: Brampton Library, Springdale Branch
Fees: Free! No cost to vendors to participate
Table size: 6ft folding tables and 2 chairs per vendor
Available Tables: ~25
The Brampton Arts Organization (BAO) will host its fourth Brampton Artist Market this winter on November 18th from 11-4PM at Brampton Library, Springdale Branch. This market will provide unique opportunities for creative entrepreneurs in Brampton to showcase and sell their work, to grow their audiences, and connect with other local artists and creatives.
We welcome vendors across disciplines, themes, and interests, including arts organizations and non-profits.
- BAO will provide to each vendor: one 6ft folding table, 2 chairs
- BAO will not charge a fee for participation or commission on sales
- Vendors will have access to public wireless internet, but will not have access to power
- Insurance coverage for vendors will be provided by BAO
Important Dates and Information
August 20 - Call to vendors opens
September 10 - Call to vendors closes
September 27 - Vendors notified of acceptance
October - Public marketing campaign of market and vendors begins
November 16 - Market day (vendors arrive by 9AM for set up)
- It is mandatory that all vendors accepted to the market be onsite ready to sell from 11am to 4pm.
- The BAO Artist Market will be following Peel Public Health guidelines related to COVID-19 and vendors will be required to adhere to safety measures, including wearing masks if applicable while at The Market.
- Manufactured items are prohibited.
- If work copies, reproduces, imitates or otherwise infringes on someone else's copyrighted material it will not be considered.
Selection Criteria
This call will prioritize original artwork and handmade goods, editioned works, and artwork and ephemera related to your practice and work, over bulk-produced, manufactured items. Co-applications (two vendors per one table) are welcome as well as applications from collectives. Arts organizations and not-for-profits are also encouraged to apply and are not required to sell works.
Additionally, the selection committee will review applications for:
- Quality of work
- Originality
- Vendors relationship and connection to Brampton
- Overall suitability for the market
Priority will be given to applicants from (or that center programming by) equity-deserving groups, including those who identify as Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, Trans, Nonbinary, Queer, Disabled and intersections of those identities.
Selection Committee
- Craft Ontario Representative
- Local Artist
- BAO Staff
Apply Now
Application Accessibility Support
Applicants who require additional resources, assistance or time to apply are welcome to request as such. Please request this assistance at least one week in advance of the submission deadline. To do so, or for any additional information please contact