The City will first conduct an investigation to determine if the City is responsible for the damage. If the City is responsible, our standards are as follows:
Boulevard – The City will use asphalt to repair the driveway portion of the boulevard. The City will not restore driveway boulevards finished with interlocking brick, patterned concrete or concrete/wood curbs.
Sod – Unfortunately some sod damage is unavoidable due to either the lack of snow windrows to guide the equipment operator or the size of equipment needed to effectively clear the snow. Damage is usually minor when the sod is frozen. When the sod is not frozen, damage can be extensive. In some cases, the sod removed is overgrowth growing onto the sidewalk. The City will schedule sod repairs when topsoil/seed/sod is available, usually in the spring.
Rural Mailboxes – The City will replace the mailbox with a standard rural mailbox.
To report damage, contact Public Works at 311 (TTY for hearing impaired 905.874.2130).